If you wish to completely, and permanently delete your account, please log into your profile, go to your settings, and click on the full deletion form at the bottom of the page. Please note that by using this form you are only sending an official request to our Support Team. This action does NOT delete your profile yet. You'll receive an automatically generated reply from our system that will include everything in order to finish the deletion process successfully. Please note that sending multiple requests within a few hours/days does NOT mean your case will be reviewed any sooner. If you have registered onto our service using a third party service (Facebook), please note that you can only fully remove yourself using a password. If you have not set a password for yourself until now, please follow these simple instructions: 1. Log in to your account 2. Go to 'Settings' 3. Change your password (BUT leave the 'current password' field blank!) Finally, please be aware that this removal only affects our service and our servers! If you have purchased a premium membership using the Android/iOS marketplace, you will have to contact them if you wish to change or remove your information with them (eg: to halt the renewal of your premium subscription).